

From forest bathing and forest therapy, to grounding and earthing products, to being one with the elements by looking up at the sky or standing barefoot on the grass or hiking in the woods or sitting by a creek or fireplace... There's long been a sane movement toward spending more time connected to the "larger" nature, and in those conditions, amid the elements, maybe being in better touch with our own "personal" natures. There are plenty of articles/books, certifications, and even bedsheets related to this movement with ancient roots. I don't seek to be trained or certified in it, or need to be sold on it. 

I agree, being in nature is a very good idea.

Having gone from long distance runner to wow it's a good day when I can make it three times around the yard, I've discovered safe, comforting, challenging, beautiful things on the property I live on. It was my hope when I dreamed this place up in 2015 and found it in 2019 that it would serve clients as much as myself - and it has, since Covid had me shut down an Exton office. I've long offered an outside meeting space under cover, but now there's another outside sitting place not under cover, below pretty newly hung buddhist prayer flags, and I want to emphasize the option clients have of walking around the yard together - and possibly with a little more work here, one day sitting by the creek and/or hiking in the woods. 

Here are the caveats: There's a waiver to sign and here's why... The lawn is uneven and a little hilly in places, there are holes and obstacles in the yard to navigate, things could be slippery depending on the weather, there are stinging/biting/poison things (e.g., wasps, ticks, poison ivy, possibly harmless ground/garden snakes), and though I scour the yard daily for dog poop, there could be some to step in. There's also the possibility of a tree falling in the woods for us to hear, see, and evade. Finally, though I keep an eye out for old treasures buried in the yard, occasionally I have found glass and other sharp stuff in some degrading areas. It's a good idea to wear sturdy shoes, long pants/sleeves, apply sun screen and bug spray, and bring your epi pens.

All that said... There are also cardinals, red-bellied woodpeckers, eastern screech owls, hawks, crows, nuthatches, catbirds, bluejays, and tufted titmice - and two dogs (one who likes to stay back and oversee the yard and the other who likes to mosey along with whoever's walking) - as well as striking tulip poplars and a magnificent large dead tree in which a raccoon lives - all of which make for lovely backdrop for mindful contemplation and open-hearted conversation. 

Book Study

I've listed many books on this website that I consider to be great, all of which I've read at least once. The ones I've read more than once, I would like to offer as the subject of a study group. For example, The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron and Letting Go by David R. Hawkins, are two of the best books I've encountered. Without getting much into religion, or too far out with progressive theories, the authors skillfully describe ways to live with suffering without compounding it. The study groups will be open to existing clients and nonclients, will not be a therapy group per se, and I will take the responsibility for moderating the sessions and creating/distributing and keeping us all to mindfulness tenets geared toward everyone feeling safe and included. The meetings will be two hours long on Saturday mornings 7:30am - 9:30am, reading for 30 minutes, 45 minutes discussion,15 break midway through. Ideally we will read aloud, but there will be the option of listening together to the audible version and then having our discussion. This will be an offer-what-you-can event beginning late 2024 and repeating weekly until whichever book is finished - proceeds will support my ability to support three or four sliding scale clients at all times. If anyone is interested in these groups, please feel free to be in touch.

Office Hours

Office Hours


11:00 am-6:30 pm


11:00 am-6:30 pm


11:00 am-6:30 pm


11:00 am-6:30 pm


11:00 am-6:30 pm



